i will try to shrink the image, it was awful that large. if she was going for fake, she hit a home run.
link to cover
( after a hard day at sea )
Airbrushing, doing professional make up digitally
Dr. Laura's newest photo was taken long, long after she cornered radio classic Bill Ballance into her most infamous photo session.
you don't want to see the money shot in living color
She was interviewed by Larry King aired on CNN September 29, 2006 and she conceded that the photos taken by an old boyfriend (Bill Ballance) were of her. She almost didn't lie! The photo that looks most like her, also called "the money shot" she said was not her. What else would you expect from a quack?
Dr. Laura wants to hold women responsible, she found a way to blame the "abortion mentality" for a murder. Is that like the "military mentality"?
Dr. Laura knows even more about the military since her son, Deryk Schlessinger is in the Army and she is a major part of the propaganda campaign.
list from Veterans Today
Investigations about charity scams, celebrity and propaganda
Which photos are really worse?
Dr. Laura nude?
Dr. Laura's son disgracing the 82nd Airborne, the Army and all the decent soldiers that don't act like a spoiled brat while on duty in Afghanistan?