Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dr. Laura Schlessinger "As a woman and as a mother, I am shocked"

Yes, when are women responsible? According to Dr. Laura, her mantra is that it is all the fault of the “feminista” movement. And now America is running over with irresponsible women. "Feministas” are so busy recommending finding gang members to baby sit, when do they have time to listen to you?

The murder used in Dr. Laura's blog is horrendous. I don't know what happened to the mother. There are plenty of places in the USA where negligent mothers are charged. Could it be the responsibility of North Carolina law enforcement?
The When Are Women Responsible? Dr. Laura blog here:

Dr. Laura quotes one listener as saying "No doubt, this is what the abortion mentality has done to us.” She goes on to say the quote "holds water". We agree that there is something wrong when a mother has a known gang member as a babysitter. A tragic murder of an innocent child occurred and the mother was responsible for who was with the child.

But the "No doubt, this is what the abortion mentality has done to us." ? ? ? ? You know you can't back that up. With your hysterics you come off as using your party line talking points, "feminista" and "abortion", for indoctrination purposes. And you manage to put women down again.

While Dr. Laura is on her "responsible" trip, what about someone taking responsibility for these creeps? They may be grown men, but their parents don't show that they ever taught them responsibility!

What about the irresponsibility of blaming, like gays or "terrorists" and the "liberals", for hacking her son Deryk Schlessinger's MySpace, when it was certainly known who did pose for the photos and who did the vile disturbing pedophile cartoons? Graphic sick murder, blood, sex (WARNING). I can't believe you didn't see them or earlier versions of Deryk's internet past lives.

She must be happy living in a bubble where she does't have to take responsibility. So it is. Please, we'd liked to hear a toned down version of her bull about blaming women, her old school "feminista" crap and the "abortion mentality" bull.

Why does she never mention the "military war mentality" she propagandized?